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1976 W. BRO. J. ALLEN PATERSON, Membership 189. Installing Master- W. Bro. E. John Snow, known as “Jack”. Number of Degrees – 8 including 1 initiation. Canadian Night speaker was Bro. The Honourable Willard (Bud) Z. Esty, Chief Justice of the High Court, Supreme Court of Canada. W. Bro. Paterson commonly known to members as “Pat” He was honoured to be Installed as Worshipful Master by W. Bro. Jack Snow. He was pleased to have “Bud” Esty our own member as his guest speaker for Canadian Night. Pat was made Grand Steward in July 1983. We visited the Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton. We thank his wife Flo.

W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Worshipful Master
W. Bro. James McGibbon Immediate Past Master
W. Bro. E. John Snow Senior Warden
Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley Junior Warden
Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
W. Bro. Hugh L. Hastie Treasurer
W. Bro. Thomas R. Press Secretary
Bro. Robert L. Smith Assistant Secretary
Bro. G. Richard Morgan Senior Deacon
Bro. Ernest Heniss Junior Deacon
W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Werner O. Salge Inner Guard
Bro. Glen A. Henderson Senior Steward
Bro. Daniel W. Gosse Junior Steward
Bro. Alan E. Miller Organist
Bro. John W. Tew Tyler

1977 W. BRO. J. ALLEN PATERSON, Membership 179. Installing Master – V.W. Bro. Hugh L. Hastie, Number of Degrees – 2 including 1 initiation. Canadian Night speaker Dr. H. Ian Macdonald, O. C., B. COMM., M. A. B. PHIL. President, York University. Pat again served as Worshipful Master for a second term in order that the officers did not have to advance at this time. As a result many of his Officers became Grand Lodge Officers or served as Master of the Lodge. He helped start the new generation of Zetland. The second Master in current years to serve two terms since W. Bro. Donald C. Hodgkinson, Also Pat was the first Master who served two consecutive years. The Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton visited us. Again we thank his wife Flo.

W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Worshipful Master
W. Bro. James McGibbon Immediate Past Master
Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley Senior Warden
Bro. G. Richard Morgan Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
V. W. Bro. Hugh L. Hastie Treasurer
Bro. Thomas R. Press Secretary
Bro. Peter J. Crudden Assistant Secretary
Bro. Werner O. Salge Senior Deacon
Bro. Ernest Heniss Junior Deacon
W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Glenn A. Henderson Senior Steward
Bro. Alastair R. Robertson Junior Steward
Bro. Alan E. Miller Organist
Bro. John W. Tew Tyler

1978 W. BRO. SYDNEY R. WHITELEY, Membership 171. Installing Master – R. W. Roy E. Baylis. Number of Degrees – 3 including 3 initiations. His Canadian Night speaker was The Honourable Donald S. MacDonald P. C., Former Minister of Finance, Government of Canada. W. Bro. Whiteley, commonly known as Skip. He was the beginning of Zealand s New Generation with the assistance of his Immediate Past Master Pat Paterson, the Lodge came alive. He was elected District Deputy Grand Master of Toronto District 5 in 1982, (Pat Paterson was his District Secretary). His future efforts to Zetland and Grand Lodge never stopped. See years 1997, 1998 and 1999 . We visited the Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton. Held one of the first Family Day’s. R. W. Bro. Roy E. Baylis explained the Lodge. Thanks to his wife Lynn.

W. Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley Worshipful Master
W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Immediate Past Master
Bro. G . Richard Morgan Senior Warden
Bro. Werner O. Salge Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
V. W. Bro. Hugh L. Hastie Treasurer
Bro. Thomas R. Press Secretary
Bro. Ian Gemmell Assistant Secretary
Bro. Robert L. Smith Senior Deacon
Bro. Glenn Henderson Junior Deacon
W. Bro. James McGibbon Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Peter Crudden Inner Guard
Bro. E. Clifford Went Senior Steward
Bro. Arthur E. McCrea Junior Steward
Bro. Ernest Heniss Organist
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1979 W. BRO. G. RICHARD MORGAN, Membership 164. Installing Master – W. Bro. Donald C. Hodgkinson. Number of Degrees – 10 including 3 initiations. His Canadian Night speaker was R. W. Bro. H. Allan Leal, Q. C., L. L. M., L. L. D., Deputy Attorney General, Province of Canada. W. Bro. Morgan, commonly known as Dick. He will always remember the Past Masters presenting him with a toy to reduce his nerves. Dick was honoured to initiate his Father, (the first time in the history of Zetland Lodge) Bro. David Henry Morgan who was 65 years young. You will see more in 1985. A very busy year resulting by the efforts of Skip Whiteley. This year was the Barton Lodge No. 6 turn to visit us. Thanks to his wife Barb.

W. Bro. G . Richard Morgan Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley Immediate Past Master
Bro. Werner O. Salge Senior Warden
Bro. Robert L. Smith Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
V. W. Bro. Hugh L. Hastie Treasurer
Bro. Thomas R. Press Secretary
Bro. E. Clifford Went Senior Deacon
Bro. Glenn Henderson Junior Deacon
W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Peter Crudden Inner Guard
Bro. Arthur E. McCrea Senior Steward
Bro. Ernest Heniss Junior Steward
W. Bro. E. John Snow Organist
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1980 W. BRO. WERNER O. SALGE, Membership 156. Installing Master – W. Bro. John. H. Englert. Number of Degrees – 6 including 2 initiations. His Canadian Night speaker was R. W. Bro. The Honourable Donald M. Fleming, P. C., Q. C., D. C. L., L. L. D., Former Minister of Finance, Government of Canada. Werner continued to keep Zetland as one of the best Lodges for it s ritual.
It was a very active year with Degrees and other functions. It was Zetland’ s turn to visit Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton Thank you to his wife Pauline.

Bro. Werner O. Salge Worshipful Master
W. Bro. G . Richard Morgan Immediate Past Master
Bro. Robert L. Smith Senior Warden
Bro. E. Clifford Went Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
V. W. Bro. Hugh L. Hastie Treasurer
W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Secretary
Bro. Archie Campbell Assistant Secretary
Bro. Peter Crudden Senior Deacon
W. Bro. John H. Englert Junior Deacon
W.Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Arthur E. McCrea Inner Guard
Bro. John Howard Senior Steward
Bro. John Mullins Junior Steward
W. Bro. E. John Snow Organist
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1981 W. BRO. ROBERT L. SMITH, Membership 149. Installing Master – W. Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley. Number of Degrees – 18 including 3 initiations. The Canadian Night speaker was The Honourable Mitchell Sharp, P. C. Commissioner, Northern Pipeline Agency, Canada. W. Bro. Smith, commonly known as Bob. He was very busy with Degrees. He also served as Treasurer in 1985.
Bob continued to uphold our standards with his dedication to the Ritual. He was also Treasurer of the Warden s Association,
Toronto District Five. The Barton Lodge No. 6 visited us. Thanks to his wife Joan.

W. Bro. Robert L. Smith Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Immediate Past Master
Bro. E. Clifford Went Senior Warden
Bro. Peter J. Crudden Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
W. Bro. Donald C. Hodgkinson Treasurer
W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Secretary
Bro. David H. Morgan Assistant Secretary
Bro. Arthur McCrea Senior Deacon
Bro. John E . G . Howard Junior Deacon
W. Bro. John H. Englert Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Archie G . Campbell Inner Guard
Bro. Peter D. Wilson Senior Steward
Bro. Thomas R. Press Junior Steward
Bro. Ernest Heniss Organist
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1982 W. BRO. E. CLIFFORD WENT, Membership 131. Installing Master – W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan. Number of Degrees – 6 including 2 initiations. The Canadian Night speaker was Major-General Bruce J. Legge, C.C.M., K.St.J., E.D., C.D., Q.C., Colonel Commandant Logistics Branch, Canadian Forces (Regular and Reserve, Land, Sea and Air.) Honourary Membership in the Barton Lodge was conferred on W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis by R. W. Bro. A. Claude Campbell. The Official Visit of the D.D.G.M. and District Secretary was conducted this year by our own R. W. Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley and W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson.
Presented 50 year pins to Albert J. Smith and Gordon W. Hale. The annual family picnic was held at the summer home of W. Bro. James McGibbon and his charming wifeLillian. The annual Ladies Night took the form of a dinner- theatre evening. The annual Christmas Fellowship Luncheon was held at the Royal York. We visited the Barton Lodge No. 6. Thank you to his wife Kitty.

W. Bro. E. Clifford Went Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Robert L. Smith Immediate Past Master
Bro. Peter J. Crudden Senior Warden
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
W. Bro. Donald C. Hodgkinson Treasurer
Bro. John E. Howard Secretary
Bro. Arthur E. McCrea Assistant Secretary
W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Senior Deacon
Bro. Archie G. Campbell Junior Deacon
W. Bro. E. John Snow Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Peter D . Wilson Inner Guard
Bro. Darryl C. MacKenzie Senior Steward
Bro. Thomas R. Press Junior Steward
Bro. David H. Morgan Organist
Bro.John M. Tew Tyler

1983      W. BRO. PETER J. CRUDDEN, Membership  130. Installing Master – W. Bro. Werner O. Salge. Number of Degrees- 8 including 2 initiations. The Canadian Night speaker was Major-General Richard Rohmer, C.M.M., D.F.C., C.St.J., C.D., Q.C., B.A., L.L.D., Former Chief of Reserves, Canadian Armed Forces. Peter was also Vice-President of  the Wardens  Association to Toronto District No. Five. Presented Bro. Norman F. Foy with his 60 year Pin, also to Bro. C.F. Northey and Bro.   W. W. Lake with their 50  year  pin.  Presented  V. W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Grand Steward with his Grand Lodge Regalia. Peter was also Secretary of the Lodge in 1983. Special presentation of the Ceremony of Light by the Demolay (at  the conclusion of a Lodge meeting) Peter was the first candidate of Zetland’s second Century. The Barton Lodge No. 6 visited us, Thanks to his wife Marion.

W. Bro. Peter J. Crudden Worshipful Master
W. Bro. E. Clifford Went Immediate Past Master
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Senior Warden
Bro. Darryl C. MacKenzie Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
W. Bro. Donald C. Hodgkinson Treasurer
W. Bro. Harold A. Jamison Secretary
Bro. David H. Morgan Assistant Secretary
Bro. Craig A. Kay Senior Deacon
Bro. Peter D . Wilson Junior Deacon
W. Bro. Robert L. Smith Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Robert S. Lowers Inner Guard
Bro. James L. Barker Senior Steward
Bro. Arthur E. McCrea Junior Steward
Bro. Ronald W. Padgett Organist
V. W. Bro. W. Malcom McIntyre Historian
Bro.John M. Tew Tyler

1984 W. BRO. WERNER O. SALGE, Membership 130. Installing Master – W. Bro. John H. Englert. Number of Degrees- 9 including 4 initiations. Canadian Night speaker was Professor Paul Wesley Fox, P.H.D., M.A., B.A. Professor Political Science Principal, Erindale College. Again Werner served Zetland, to help when needed, another productive year, to keep Zetland s reputation for ritual work. It was our turn to visit the Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton. A very busy year with Degrees. The Family day held at the Lodge was great success. Werner was the third Master to serve a two year term. Again we thank his wife Pauline.

W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Peter J. Crudden Immediate Past Master
Bro. Darryl C. MacKenzie Senior Warden
Bro. Craig A . Kay Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
W. Bro. Donald C . Hodgkinson Treasurer
W. Bro. Harold A. Jamison Secretary
Bro. James C. Grassie Assistant Secretary
Bro. James L. Barker Senior Deacon
Bro. Arthur E. McCrea Junior Deacon
W. Bro. E. Clifford Went Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Robert S. Lowes Inner Guard
W. Bro. Robert L. Smith Senior Steward
Bro. Shonn Michaels Junior Steward
Bro. Ronald W. Padgett Organist
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1985 W. BRO. G. RICHARD MORGAN, Membership 127. Installing Master – R. W. Sydney R. Whiteley. Number of Degrees – 14 including 4 initiations. The Canadian Night speaker was C. Dennis Flynn, Chairman, Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto. W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan who is commonly known as Dick. A very busy year with Degrees. He initiated his Son Ric. Dick became an Officer in 1974 and is still an Officer to date. Became Grand Steward in 1994, and was invested with his Grand Lodge Regalia on September 6, 1994 by R. W. Sydney R. Whiteley, Dick s wife Barb, his family, and other Officer’s wives were also present. Dicks favourite piece of work was the Junior Warden’s Lecture which was performed numerous times (18). The fourth Master to serve two terms. Treasurer from1988 to present date. Was President of the Masters Association in 1985. Dick advised that he owes his Masonic career to R. W. Bro. Roy E. Baylis and later to R. W. Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley.
Again we thank his wife Barb.

W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Immediate Past Master
Bro. Darryl C. MacKenzie Senior Warden
Bro. A. Craig Kay Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
W. Bro. Robert L. Smith Treasurer
W. Bro. Peter J. Crudden Secretary
R. W. Bro. Alaeddin S. Soltanzadeh Senior Deacon
Bro. Robert S. Lowes Junior Deacon
W. Bro. John H. Englert Director of Ceremonies
Bro. James C. Grassie Inner Guard
Bro. Mahmoud M. Nezarati Senior Steward
Bro. David H. Morgan Junior Steward
Bro. Ronald W. Padgett Organist
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1986 W. BRO. DARRYL. C. MacKENZIE, Membership 127. Installing Master- V. W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson. Number of Degrees – 8 including 6 initiations. The Canadian Night speaker for the evening was M. W. Bro. A. Lou Copeland, The Grand Master, Grand Lodge A.F. & A. M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario. W. Bro. MacKenzie continued to keep Zetland Lodge alive. He also set up membership and records of Zetland Lodge on the computer. V. W. Bro. Pat Paterson served as Immediate Past Master in order that W. Bro. Dick Morgan could become Secretary. It was our turn to visit the Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton. Zetland Lodge Degree team conferred a Fellowcraft Degree on their Candidate. Thank you to his wife Ellis.

W. Bro. Darryl C. MacKenzie Worshipful Master
V. W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Immediate Past Master
Bro. A. Craig Kay Senior Warden
R. W. Bro. Alaeddin S. Soltanzadeh Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
W. Bro. Robert L. Smith Treasurer
W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Secretary
Bro. T. C. P. Mayen Assistant Secretary
Bro. Robert S. Lowes Senior Deacon
Bro. James C. Grassie Junior Deacon
W. Bro. Peter J. Crudden Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Mahmoud M. Nezarati Inner Guard
Bro. Nezam Soltanzadeh Senior Steward
Bro. Mark Lambert Junior Steward
Bro. Ronald W. Padgett Organist
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1987 W. BRO. A. CRAIG KAY, Membership 126. Installing Master – R. W. Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley. Number of Degrees – 9 including 1 initiation. The Canadian Night speaker was W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans, OSTJ.CD Past Master of Zetland Lodge. I was honoured to represent Zetland Lodge at the regular meeting of Iranian Lodge held in Boston, Mass. The Grand Lodge of Iran, meeting in exile, using the Temple of several Boston Lodges has been able to keep the Light alive and maintain the Work in its Blue Lodges. It was a privilege for my wife Lynn and I to travel with R. W. Bro. Alaeddin Soltanzadeh and his wife Farideh. While attending one Lodge meeting it was a distinct pleasure to witness Big Al being placed in the chair of King Solomon. Thanks for the memories. There was a time during my year as Master that I truly feared the long and most excellent tradition of Zetland s Annual Canadian Night would be broken. Thankfully through the efforts of many, but especially W. Bro. Kenneth Heans, the tradition was not allowed to lapse. A wonderful evening was had by all. The response to the Toast to Canada, delivered by W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans was indeed memorable. This year the Secretary was W. Bro. G. R. Morgan, his Father Bro. David H. Morgan and his son Bro. Ric Morgan served the office of Assistant Secretary. Thank you to his wife Lynn.

W. Bro. A. Craig Kay Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Darryl C. MacKenzie Immediate Past Master
R. W. Bro. Alaeddin S. Soltanzadeh Senior Warden
Bro. James C. Grassie Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
Bro. Shahab Soltanzadeh Treasurer
W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Secretary
Bro. Richard D. Morgan Assistant Secretary
Bro. David H. Morgan Assistant Secretary
Bro. Robert S. Lowes Senior Deacon
Bro. Mahmoud M. Nezarati Junior Deacon
V. W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Nezam Soltanzadeh Inner Guard
Bro. Marc Lambert Senior Steward
Bro. T. C. P. Mayen Junior Steward
Bro. Ronald W. Padgett Organist
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1988 W. BRO. S. ALAEDDIN SOLTANZADEH, Membership 124. Commonly known as “Big Al”. Installing Master – V.W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson. Number of Degrees – 2 including 2 initiations. The Canadian Night speaker was The Honourable William G. Davis, P.C., C.C., Q.C. He was initiated October 1974 at the Grand Lodge of Iran and affdiated with Zetland Lodge No. 326 in Toronto, October 1983 after moving to Canada. He was installed April 1988 as Master of Hafez Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Iran in Exile, in Boston, Mass, while serving as Senior Warden in Zetland Lodge. In January 1988 he was installed as Master of Zetland Lodge, for eighteen months, hence serving as Master of two Lodges, in two different Languages, Rituals and countries at the same time. He was appointed as the representative of Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario to the Grand Lodge of Iran in Exile, conferred in Boston, Mass., receiving the title of Very Worshipful Master in 1996. In 1998 he was appointed as the past Grand Senior Warden in the Grand Lodge of Iran in Exile and received the Right Worshipful’s Regalia. He would be proud to later have his sons Nezam and Shahab become Masters of Zetland in 1991 and 1992 respectively, also his son Bro. Baha joining as well. Thank you to his wife Farideh. Bro. William Gosse became Zetland’s Secretary this year and continued to this date. Thank you to his wife Wilma, the Assistant Secretary.

R. W. Bro. S. Alaeddin Soltanzadeh Worshipful Master
W. Bro. A. Craig Kay Immediate Past Master
Bro. James C. Grassie Senior Warden
Bro. Mahmoud M. Nezarati Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Nezam Soltanzadeh Senior Deacon
Bro. Marc Lambert Junior Deacon
W. Bro. Darryl C. Mac Kenzie Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Shahabeddin Soltanzadeh Inner Guard
Bro. T. C. P. Mayen Senior Steward
Bro. Seyed Azarmi Junior Steward
Bro. Ronald W. Padgett Organist
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1989 W. BRO. J. CAMPBELL GRASSIE, Membership 128. Commonly known as Jim but later turned to J. Campbell. Installing Master W. Bro. Peter J. Crudden. Number of Degrees- 4 including 3 initiations. The Canadian Night guest speaker was Chief Jack Marks, of the Metropolitan Toronto Police. Jim was well known for his Piano entertainment wherever a piano was visible he was always there. He is our piano player and leader in our Christmas Carol singing at our Annual Christmas Luncheon. He was Inner Guard from 1994 to 1997 and Tyler from 1997 to 1999. W. Bro. Grassie replaced W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis as our
representative to the Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton. It was also their turn to visit us. Thank you to his wife June.

W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Worshipful Master
R. W . Bro. S. Alaeddin Soltanzadeh Immediate Past Master
Bro. Mahmoud M. Nezarati Senior Warden
Bro. Nezam Soltanzadeh Junior Warden
W. Bro. Gordon I. Purvis Chaplain
W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Shahab Soltanzadeh Senior Deacon
Bro. Marc Lambert Junior Deacon
W. Bro. A. Craig Kay Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Seyed Azarmi Inner Guard
Bro. Milosh M. Pavlovicz Senior Steward
Bro. Clement A. Babb Junior Steward
Bro. Ronald W. Padgett Organist
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1990 W. BRO. MAHMOUD M. NEZARATI, Membership 118. Installing Master- W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan. Number of Degrees- 9 including 2 initiations. The Canadian Night guest speaker was Mr. Adam H. Zimmerman, B.A., F.A.C., Chairman and Executive Officer, Noranda Forest Inc. He enjoyed an excellent year as Worshipful Master, very active with Degrees. He was introduced to us by R. W. Bro. S. Alaeddin Soltanzadeh among many other Brethren from Iran in exile. W. Bro. Nezarati continued the growth of our Lodge. We visited the Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton. Thank you to his wife Simeen.

W. Bro. Mahmoud M. Nezarati Worshipful Master
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Immediate Past Master
Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh Senior Warden
Bro. A. Shahab Soltanzadeh Junior Warden
W . Bro. Peter J. Crudden Chaplain
W . Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. T. C . P. Mayen Assistant Secretary
Bro. Seyed Azarmi Senior Deacon
Bro. Mark Yarmand Junior Deacon
W. Bro. S. Alaeddin Soltanzadeh Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Clive Elcock Inner Guard
Bro. Clement A. Babb Senior Steward
Bro. Hamid Khayami Junior Steward
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
Bro. John M. Tew Tyler

1991 W. BRO. A. NEZAM SOLTANZADEH, Membership 113. Installing Master- W. Bro. S. Alaeddin Soltanzadeh. Number of Degrees- 17 including 3 initiations. Nezam was very proud to be installed by his father. W. Bro. Nezam Soltanzadeh had a very active and successful year for Degrees. Nezam was also the Photographer for the District as well as Chairman for several committees within Toronto District Five. He is the son of R. W. Bro. S. Alaeddin Soltanzadeh. He has made his father very proud. This year the Barton Lodge visited us.

W. Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Mahmoud M. Nezarati Immediate Past Master
Bro. Shahab Soltanzadeh Senior Warden
Bro. Seyed Azarmi Junior Warden
W . Bro. John H. Englert Chaplain
W . Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. I. Brian Gailey Assistant Secretary
Bro. Clive Elcock Senior Deacon
Bro. Hamid Khayami Junior Deacon
W. Bro. S. Alaeddin Soltanzadeh Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Iradj Naghibi Inner Guard
Bro. Bruce Kite Senior Steward
Bro. Mohammad Nezarati Junior Steward
Bro. Mark Elcock Organist
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Tyler

1992 W. BRO. A. SHAHAB SOLTANZADEH, Membership 105. Installing Master – R. W. Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley. Number of Degrees – 4 including 3 initiations. The Canadian Night speaker was J. Douglas Creighton, Chairman of the Board and C.E.O., The Toronto Sun Publishing Corporation. Shahab brought three new members to our Lodge. The son of R. W. Bro. S. Alaeddin Soltanzadeh, which made him proud to have his other son as Master of the Lodge. It was hard to follow father and brother but he succeeded in having a very successful year. It was our turn for our annual visit to the Barton Lodge.

W. Bro. A. Shahab Soltanzadeh Worshipful Master
W. Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh Immediate Past Master
Bro. Clive Elcock Senior Warden
Bro. Hamid Khayami Junior Warden
W. Bro. John H. Englert Chaplain
W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Bruce Kite Senior Deacon
Bro. Mark Elcock Junior Deacon
V. W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Brian Gailey Inner Guard
Bro. Mohammed Mohebbi Senior Steward
Bro. Derek McPhail Junior Steward
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Tyler

1993 W. BRO. CLIVE R. ELCOCK, Membership 94. Installing Master- W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan. Number of Degrees- 2. The Canadian Night Speaker was M. W. Bro. C. Edwin Drew, Grand Master, Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario. Clive was so proud to have his son Bro. Mark Elcock as his Junior Warden. Together they had one of the most successful Ladies Night for Zetland. He was responsible for bringing Zetland s finances into proper balance.
We welcomed the Barton Lodge No. 6 on their annual visit. Thank you to his wife Chris.

W. Bro. Clive R. Elcock Worshipful Master
W. Bro. A. Shahab Soltanzadeh Immediate Past Master
Bro. Hamid Khayami Senior Warden
Bro. Mark Elcock Junior Warden
V. W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Chaplain
W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Brian Gailey Senior Deacon
Bro. Mohammed Mohebbi Junior Deacon
W. Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Derek Mc Phail Inner Guard
Bro. Baha Soltanzadeh Senior Steward
Bro. Reza Shaygan Junior Steward
V. W. Bro. W. Malcolm McIntyre Historian
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Tyler

1994 W. BRO. A. NEZAM SOLTANZADEH, Membership 88. Installing Master – W. Bro. A. Shahab Soltanzadeh. Number of Degrees- 3 including 3 initiations. The Canadian Night Speaker was Right Reverend Victoria Matthews, Bishop, Diocese of Toronto Anglican Church of Canada. The Right Reverend Matthews was the first Lady to be our Canadian Night Guest Speaker in the History of Zetland Lodge. Nezam again had an excellent year. Fifth to serve second term as Worshipful Master. Served again on Toronto District five Committees. Worshipful Master of Harmony Lodge No.483 in 1999. W. Bro. Nezam Soltanzedah was the main contributor and organizer assisted by members of the Lodge for the air trip to Vancouver for our Assistant Secretary Wilma Gosse and Bro. William Gosse, Secretary in September 1994. Knowing that Wilma was very sick, and Vancouver was the only Province they had not visited. Nezam took on the task and fulfilled a long time dream of Wilma s. Both Bill and Wilma were very grateful and their thanks go to Nezam and the members of Zetland Lodge. It was Zetland’s turn to visit the Barton Lodge No.6 This year Bro. William Gosse started The Zet News and continued publishing two each year to present date.

W. Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Clive R. Elcock Immediate Past Master
Bro. Brian Gailey Senior Warden
Bro. Mark Yammand Junior Warden
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Chaplain
V. W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Derek Mc Phail Senior Deacon
Bro. Mohammed Mohebbi Junior Deacon
W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Inner Guard
V. W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Senior Steward
Bro. Baha Soltanzadeh Junior Steward
W. Bro. Darryl C. Mac Kenzie Historian
W. Bro. A. Shahab Soltanzadeh Tyler

1995 W. BRO. I. BRIAN GAILEY, Membership 86. Installing Master – W. Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh. Number of Degrees-8 including 5 initiations. On the night of Installation, Brian and Heather’s daughter, Megan, became the first lady to be placed in the chair of King Solomon, by the installing master. On March 5th., the Metropolitan Toronto Police Degree Team, under the capable direction of W. Bro. Robert Murdock, now R.W. Bro. Murdock, conferred a First Degree on our candidate, in full Police Dress Regalia. On March 13, Brian was accompanied with a large delegation of Zetland Brethren on our biennial visit to the Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton, Ont. This continues a hundred and one years. The Lodge was presented with a Zetland Lodge Annual Picnic Banner from Bro. Alexi Balian. Brian served as the Toronto District No. Five Blood Donor Chairman.
Thanks to his wife Heather.

W. Bro. I. Brian Gailey Worshipful Master
W. Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh Immediate Past Master
Bro. Mark Yammand Senior Warden
Bro. Derek McPhail Junior Warden
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Chaplain
V. W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Mohammed Mohebbi Senior Deacon
Bro. N.F.Brescia Junior Deacon
V.W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Inner Guard
Bro. Alexi Balian Senior Steward
Bro. Mostafa S. Forghani Junior Steward
Bro. Alexander T. Cowan Historian
Bro. Karman Sabouri Organist
W. Bro. A. Shahab Soltanzadeh Tyler

1996 W. BRO. I. BRIAN GAILEY, Membership 89. Installing Master – R. W. Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley. Number of Degrees – 9 including 5 Initiations. This was Brian’s second term as Master of the Lodge. That year’s highlights was December 3rd, when Brian had the honor of offering fraternal greetings and cordially welcomed into Zetland Lodge, R.W. Bro. Clifford E. White, I.P.D.D.G.M. With him were, no less than twenty-two distinguished Past District Deputy Grand Masters. This was a singular honor just to have these Brethren assembled. R. W. Bro. Whiteley assumed the gavel for the evening, where they conferred a First Degree on our candidate. On February 14th, the Masters Association conferred a Second Degree, hosted by Grenville Lodge NO. 629, on our candidate. On February 26, we had an emergent meeting, where the Warden’ s Association conferred a Third Degree, again, on our candidate. Later, on November 8th, Zetland Lodge was that evening’s proud recipient of the Lazer Travelling Gavel. Though his ritual work was excellent, Brian was noted for his deliverance of the North East Angle Lecture. The sixth Master to serve two years. The second Master to serve consecutively. Again we thank his wife Heather. A special thanks to Bro. Alexi Balian. He did it again! Last year was the Picnic Banner. This year, Zetland Lodge Picnic T-shirts. All in attendance received one. A special thank you to R. W. Bro. S. A. Soltanzadeh, his wife Farideh for hosting our Annual Picnic for the past few years.

W. Bro. I. Brian Gailey Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans Immediate Past Master
Bro. Derek S. McPhail Senior Warden
Bro. N.F.Brescia Junior Warden
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Chaplain
V. W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Ralph Gosse Assistant Secretary
Bro. Alexi Balian Senior Deacon
Bro. William A. Melvin Junior Deacon
V. W. Bro. J. Allen Paterson Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Inner Guard
Bro. Mostafa S. Forghani Senior Steward
Bro. Mohammed Mohebbi Junior Steward
Bro. Kamran Sabouri Organist
W. Bro. Shahab Soltanzadeh Tyler

1997 R. W. BRO. SYDNEY R. WHITELEY, Membership 86. Installing Master – W. Bro. I. Brian Gailey. Number of Degrees- 6 including 1 initiation. R.W.Bro. Paul G. Farrell elected District Deputy Grand Master Toronto District Five, at Annual Communication of Grand Lodge. The Durham Regional Police Degree Team conferred Master Mason Degree for our candidate of the evening, Bro. Jeffrey J. Stewart. Zetland Brethren invited to The Barton to confer Entered Apprentice Degree on the occasion of our Bi-Annual visit. W. Bro. John H Englert, Worshipful Master, Zetland Lodge 1971 assumed The Chair of King Solomon, for the Annual Past Masters and Old- timers Night, conferring The Entered Apprentice Degree on the candidate of the evening, Bro. Raffi Kelechian. Bro. Gregory Chown received Master Mason Degree. The New Beaver Shine Club Degree Team performed the work of the evening. It was in August this year that V.W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan and Bro. William Gosse journeyed to picturesque Shediac, New Brunswick to extend the fraternal hand of masonic friendship to W.Bro. Everett J. Kuhn, Worshipful Master, Officers and members of Zetland Lodge, F. &A.M. No.24, Grand Lodge of New Brunswick. The Zetland Picnic T-shirt was presented to the Worshipful Master Ebby Kuhn by V.W. Bro. Morgan, we found out later that Ebby collects T-shirts. W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans became President of The Zetland Eighty Plus Club. Thanks to the parents of Bro. Alexi Balian for hosting the Zetland Lodge Picnic this year. At a Past Master’s Meeting held in May 1996, a decision was made to support our line
officers by not having them progress through their respective chairs of office to quickly. Justification for this mandate was primarily to ensure that, each officer would benefit from serving a minimum seven year term prior to being Installed in The Chair of King Solomon. With the commitment of the Zetland Past Masters and the assistance of the Officers, R. W. Bro. Whiteley served as Worshipful Master for additional two terms. A very special motion of gratitude to his wife, Lynn.

W. Bro. Sydeny R. Whiteley Worshipful Master
W. Bro. I. Brian Gailey Immediate Past Master
W. Bro. A. Shahab Soltanzadeh Senior Warden
Bro. Alexi Balian Junior Warden
W. Bro. John H. Englert Chaplain
V. W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Lyall D. Donlevy Senior Deacon
Bro. N.F.Brescia Junior Deacon
W. Bro. Nezam Soltanzadeh Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro. Kenneth W. Means Inner Guard
W. Bro. Timothy Skulish Senior Steward
Bro. James Campbell Junior Steward
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Tyler
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Historian
W. Bro. Irving G. P. Gibbons Organist

1998 R. W. BRO. SYDNEY R. WHITELEY, Membership 82. Installing Master- W. Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh. Number of Degrees- 5 including 3 initiations. R. W. Bro. Robert B. Judd elected District Deputy Grand Master, Toronto District Five at the 143rd. Annual Grand Lodge Communication. Our Junior Warden, Bro. Lyall Donlevy and his committee executed their organizational skills with a very successful Zetland Lodge Family Day, held in November. Coupled with an outstanding Guest Speaker, R. W. Bro. Reverend r. Cerwyn Davies, the pipes and the drums of the Uxbridge Legion Pipe Band, and their Dance Team, a superb luncheon, and excellent attendance by our members, and friends, affirmed one of the social highlights of the 1998 Masonic Year. Zetland Officers confer Entered Apprentice Degree at October meeting. Candidate of the evening, Brother Adam A. Olcayto. On the occasion of the Official visit of District Deputy Grand Master, in November Brother Octai Kelly was initiated into Masonry. Bro. Kelly s Father in Law, Brother Syrous Baghie travelled 4,825 kilometers from Nice, France to be in attendance for this very special evening. Zetland Brethren, W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans, Bro. William Gosse, Bro. Alexi Balian and Bro. N.F.Brescia receive 32o in Scottish Rite Freemasonry in 1998.W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans introduces communication vehicle for transmission of information to members of Eighty Plus Club V. W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan, assumes the office of Worshipful Master on the occasion of Zetland Annual Past Master’s and Old Timers Night. Received W. Bro. Blaine Stafford, Officers and members of The Barton Lodge A.F. & A.M. No.6 G.R.C. on the occasion of their Bi-Annual visit.
Another successful year in the life of Zetland Lodge, under the Capable guidance of a conscientious Master. A very special thank you to Lynn.

R. W. Bro. Sydeny R. Whiteley Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans Immediate Past Master
Bro. Alexi Balian Senior Warden
Bro. Lyall D. Donlevy Junior Warden
W. Bro. John H. Englert Chaplain
V. W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. N.F.Brescia Senior Deacon
Bro. Timothy Skulish Junior Deacon
W. Bro. A. Craig Kay Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Jeffrey J. Stewart Inner Guard
Bro. James Campbell Senior Steward
Bro. Gregory Chown Junior Steward
W. Bro. J . Campbell Grassie Tyler
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Historian
W. Bro. Irving G. P. Gibbons Organist

1999 R. W. BRO. SYDNEY R. WHITELEY, Membership. Installing Master- W. Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh. Number of Degrees 3-including 1-initiations. M. W. Bro. Robert J. McKibbon elected Grand Master, A. F.& A. M. Grand Lodge of Canada, in the Province of Ontario. R. W. Bro. Terence Shand elected Deputy Grand Master, A.F.& A. M. Grand Lodge Of Canada, in the Province of Ontario. R. W. Bro. James W. Pearson elected District Deputy Grand Master, Toronto District Five at the I 44lh Grand Lodge Annual Communication held in July. Launch of Masonic Foundation of Ontario as a Millennium Project of the Masons of Ontario Help – 2 – Hear . The objective of the campaign is to establish a $2 Million capital fund over two years. This will provide the necessary funding required to continue hearing impaired research in partnership with the Auditory Science Laboratory at the Hospital for Sick Children to the next plateau, the early detection of hearing loss in neonates and infants. Masons of Toronto District Five provide assistance as the sponsoring body of a Delmolay Chapter. Our candidate of the evening, on the occasion of the Official Visit of our District Deputy Grand Master, R. W. Bro. James W. Pearson was Brother Adam Olcayto. Worshipful Brother Donald C. Hodgkinson, Worshipful Master Zetland Lodge in 1968 and 1970, residing in
Vancouver, passes to Grand Lodge above. W. Bro. I. Brian Gailey who served as Worshipful Master in 1995 and 1996 assumes the Chair of King Solomon for Zetland Annual Past Master s and Old-timers Night, The first in the new Millennium! On this occasion. Brother J. Antonio Leitao, received Fellowcraft Degree, also a first in the new Millennium! September 2000 will launch a new Masonic Year in the history of Zetland Lodge A.F. & A.M. No.326 G.R.C. We are very proud of our slate of Officers. We are very fortunate to have an excellent accumulation of enthusiasm, commitment, the will to learn, and the competence to make it happen! The current vitality of our Lodge will augur well in the new millennium. As we prepare for the celebration of our 125th Anniversary, let us never forget the Brethren who went before us, those Brethren who gave us guidance, our mentors in our gentle Craft from whom we learned, and the heritage that we have inherited. Our obligation and commitment is to ensure our Officers, and equally as important, our candidates for Freemasonry in Zetland Lodge are the recipients of similar amenities that we had the good fortune to obtaining. Having served the Office of Worshipful Master, of Zetland Lodge the past three years, it has been my privilege to work with a very dedicated team of Officers and Past Masters. To Team Zetland and to my wife, Lynn, I say Thank you.

R. W. Bro. Sydeny R. Whiteley Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Kenneth W. Heans Immediate Past Master
Bro. Lyall D. Donlevy Senior Warden
Bro. N.F.Brescia Junior Warden
W. Bro. John H. Englert Chaplain
V. W. Bro. G. Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Timothy Skulish Senior Deacon
Bro. Jeffrey J. Stewart Junior Deacon
W. Bro. A. Craig Kay Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro. I. Brian Gailey Inner Guard
Bro. Gregory Chown Senior Steward
W. Bro. A. Nezam Soltanzadeh Junior Steward
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Tyler
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Historian
W. Bro. Irvin G. P. Gibbons Organist

W. Bro. Kenneth W.Heans Worshipful Master
R. W. Bro. Sydney R. Whiteley Immediate Past Master
Bro. Alexi Balian Senior Warden
Bro. N.F.Brescia Junior Warden
W. Bro. John H. Englert Chaplain
V. W. Bro. G.Richard Morgan Treasurer
Bro. William Gosse Secretary
Bro. Jeffrey J. Stewart Senior Deacon
Bro. Timothy Skulish Junior Deacon
W. Bro. A. Craig Kay Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro. I. Brian Gailey Inner Guard
Bro. Lyall D. Donlevy Senior Steward
Bro. Gregory Chown Junior Steward
W. Bro. Irving G. P. Gibbons Tyler
W. Bro. Werner O. Salge Historian
W. Bro. J. Campbell Grassie Organist