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History of Zetland Lodge

The name “Zetland” was born by a Toronto Lodge formed by members of St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 16, on the 23rd July, 1846; it continued to function until the year 1851, when it ceased to exist. The Honourable Sir Adam Wilson, afterwards Chief Justice of the Queen’s Bench, was its last Master. The name was, however revived in the month of March, 1875, when R.W. Bro. J. K. Kerr, Q.C., who was then acting as Grand Master by reason of death of the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. W. M. Wilson, issued the dispensation on the petition of forty-six brethren belonging to eleven lodges, namely; St. Andrew’s King Solomon’s, Victoria, Rehoboam, St. John’s, York, Stevenson, Doric, Corinthian, Blackwood and Seven Star. The first meeting was held under dispensation on March 26th, 1875, in the Masonic Hall, Toronto Street, and the charter granted on July 15th following.

The data for this sketch is drawn principally from memory, as well as from a perusal of such of the Minute Books and Lodge Summonses as have been preserved. Unfortunately for the lodge, Minute Book Number 3, which contained the records from 1894 to 1901, both dates inclusive, has been destroyed.

The records faithfully portray the various states through which the Lodge has passed, its entrance into the Masonic arena amid the plaudits and congratulations of the Craft, its brave fight against the load of debt with which it was freighted, and its continued prosperity under the guidance of its various Masters,

Here follows for each year the name of the ruling Master, the membership, highlights and important events and Grand Lodge rank, if any, subsequently conferred on the Master.


Masters of Zetland Lodge 1875-1900 1875 R.W. Bro J. G. Burns 1876 W. Bro R.J. Hovenden 1877 W. Bro J.B. Nixon 1878 W. Bro J.W. O’Hara 1879 W. Bro H.M. Graham 1880 W. Bro J.S. MacDonald 1881 W. Bro E.T. Malone 1882 W. Bro. P.B. Ball 1883 W. Bro William MacDonald 1884 W. Bro John …


Masters of Zetland Lodge 1901 – 1925 1901 W. Bro. John Bastedo 1902 W. Bro. Malcolm J. Cockburn 1903 W. Bro. O.F. Rice 1904 W. Bro. Thomas McQuillan 1905 W. Bro. James Haywood 1906 W. Bro. E.R. Dransfield 1907 W. Bro. D.G. Sturrock 1908 W. Bro. W. Carleill Hall 1909 W. Bro. J.B. Hutchins 1910 …

1914-1918, Names of Zetland Lodge Members who took part in the Great World War

Names of Zetland Lodge Members who took part in the Great World War, 1914 – 1918 “NO THOUGHT OF GLORY TO BE WON, — THERE WAS HIS DUTY TO BE DONE, — AND HE DID IT.” ALLEN. CAPT. J. B. ASKWITH. LIEUT. J. F. BAKER. LEIT. J. F. BAKER. CAPT. H B. BARTON. FLIGHT-LIEUT. C. …


1926 W. BRO. FRANK G. McLEAN, Membership 662. A Father and Son Night was held at the February meeting, when fourteen sons of members occupied the chairs and performed their duties admirably.  Canadian Night speakers were W. Bro. Rev. Thomas Eakin, Ph.D., D.D., Principal of Knox College, and Bro. rd. Hon. George P. Graham, P.C., …


1951 W. BRO. BASIL J. GRIFFITHS, Membership 345. Installing Master W. Bro. Rowland V. Millar. No. of degrees – 37 including 14 initiations. McCrea Evening – Affiliation of W. Bro. T. Arthur McCrea and initiation of his sons, Bros. Arthur E. and John A. McCrea. Institution of name plate inserted in Volume of Sacred Law …


1976 W. BRO. J. ALLEN PATERSON, Membership 189. Installing Master- W. Bro. E. John Snow, known as “Jack”. Number of Degrees – 8 including 1 initiation. Canadian Night speaker was Bro. The Honourable Willard (Bud) Z. Esty, Chief Justice of the High Court, Supreme Court of Canada. W. Bro. Paterson commonly known to members as …


2001 V.W. Bro. G.R. Morgan2002 V.W. Bro. G.R. Morgan2003 W. Bro. Jeffrey J. Stewart2004 V.W. Bro. S. Soltanzadeh2005 W. Bro. Octai Kelly2006 R.W. Bro. Nezam Soltanzadeh